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Workplace Stress Management Guide

workplace stress management


. 4 min read

Workplace stress is a common problem that can have a negative impact on not just your mental health, but also physical health. Problems like high blood pressure, aches and pains in the body, anxiety, weight gain etc are closely linked to stress, and if not corrected in time, these lifestyle disorders can create havoc in our lives. 

The good news is that all of this stress can be managed. And it doesn’t have to be that intimidating either. Let’s deep dive into this to understand this better, shall we? 

What causes workplace stress? It’s imperative to understand the root cause in order to manage workplace stress. 

There are 4 broad categories that we can all identify-

A heavy workload, which results in long hours 

Poor posture

The work culture 

Management styles 

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Now let’s see how we can manage them one at a time. 

Heavy workload 

Lack of proper planning can result in an increased workload. Now here’s the thing, is this lack of planning at your end, or at the top level of the organization? If it’s at your level, utilising productivity tools will help manage your workflow. Even a simple to-do list can help you prioritize your tasks effectively. If the planning is poor at the top management level, it would be beneficial to speak to the higher ups. 


Heavy workload often results in employees spending longer hours at work, and timelines are often forgotten as many tasks are handled all at once. This can also lead to losing control over the work, and eventually lead to a life that is consumed by work. Slow down, take one thing at a time, and delegate wherever possible. Communicating work hours to your team helps, and if possible, official communication can be limited to official channels like Slack and emails so that you’re not expected to be available 24×7!


Manage your time effectively so that you can spend time on yourself too- for example, start your mornings slow, listen to calming stories on mindfulness apps like Happily that help you be more mindful, incorporate movement into your daily routine, eat nutritious meals and focus on the quality of your surroundings. 


By taking steps to manage workplace stress, employees can improve their physical and mental health, and employers can improve their bottom line.


Poor posture

Yes, your posture is leading to stress! Stiff shoulders, neck and upper back lead to a dull, constant ache that results in headaches and if left untreated, can lead to other problems like migraines, muscle cramps and even acidity! 

Get an ergonomic setup before you start working. Bean bags are okay for brainstorming sessions, but dedicated focus requires your body to feel at ease too! Make sure the work station is well ventilated and well lit. 

Another thing to remember – don’t get into the habit of eating meals at your work desks! 

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Work culture 

Is your company prioritising productivity over health? Is the lack of planning making your job role ulcer to you? Sometimes this can be out of your control, but there are ways to navigate this too. Communicating your needs helps employers focus on your wellbeing too. Other than that, you can manage the work stress by taking regular breaks. Get up and move around, or step outside for some fresh air.


Set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to do too much at once. Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Learn to say no to extra work. It’s okay to decline requests for extra work if you’re already feeling overwhelmed.


Talk to someone you trust about your stress. Talking about your stress can help you feel better and develop coping mechanisms.Seek professional help if your stress is severe. A therapist can teach you coping mechanisms and help you develop a stress management plan.

Health and wellness for businesses is a growing industry. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of employee health and well-being. By investing in employee wellness, businesses can improve their bottom line.


Workplace wellbeing products can also help employees manage stress. These products can include:

Stress-relieving apps

Meditation devices

Aromatherapy diffusers

Relaxation music

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Workplace mental health is an important part of work culture, but an issue that is often overlooked. Employers can help improve workplace mental health by providing resources and support to employees. Stress management for employees is essential to maintain good mental health, and contributes to workplace wellness. Stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help employees reduce stress levels.

Employee health and wellness is a broad term that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional health. Employee health and wellness is important for both employees and employers. Employees who are healthy and well-rested are more productive and less likely to take sick days. Employers who offer employee health and wellness programs can attract and retain top talent.

Employee wellness programs can be a valuable tool for employers who want to improve the health and well-being of their employees. These programs can help reduce absenteeism, improve productivity, and boost morale.

Corporate mindfulness training is a type of employee training that focuses on increasing awareness and reducing stress. Mindfulness training can help employees become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, and it can help them develop coping mechanisms for stress.

Health and wellness for HR is an important area of focus for human resources professionals. HR professionals can help to promote workplace wellness by providing resources and support to employees, and by working with management to create a supportive work environment.


Management styles 

Outdated management styles may focus on processes, hierarchy and order, rather than creativity and collaboration. Conflict with co-workers and supervisors can lead to stress. Sometimes bullying and discrimination can throw you off balance too. 


Corporate wellness programs can help employees manage stress by providing them with resources and support. These programs can offer a variety of services, such as:


Stress management workshops

On-site fitness centres

Employee assistance programs

Nutrition counselling

Meditation classes

If you are experiencing workplace stress, it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many people who understand what you are going through and there are resources available to help you. By taking steps to manage your stress, you can improve your physical and mental health and enjoy a more positive work experience.

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