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Anxiety at Work: Effective Tips

anxiety at work


. 3 min read

In today’s fast-paced work environment, there are high chances of developing anxiety on the job. When things get overwhelming, it’s natural to be anxious, but constantly keeping yourself in that environment can lead to anxiety disorders too. Anxiety can interfere with your ability to focus, make decisions, and interact with others. 


If you are struggling with anxiety at work, there are a number of things you can do to manage your symptoms and improve your overall well being.

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Identify your triggers

The first step to managing anxiety is to identify your triggers. What are the things that make you feel anxious at work? Once you know your triggers, you can start to develop strategies for coping with them. Some common triggers for anxiety at work include:

Tight deadlines

Unclear expectations at the job 

Office politics 

Outdated management styles and work culture 


Unrealistic expectations of productivity 

When you’re overwhelmed at work, the immediate solution is to take a break. It may not always be possible to take an extended holiday, but see how you can bring balance to your daily routine. Get up and move around every 30 minutes, step outside for some fresh air, or take a few minutes to relax and clear your head. Get up to fill your water bottle, spend 20-30 minutes away from the work desk for lunch. Taking breaks can help you clear your head, reduce anxiety and improve focus.

Talk to someone

The power of social connections is highly underrated. If you are struggling to manage your anxiety on your own, talk to someone you trust. If it’s a tough day at work, speak to a team member or a friend, if you’re feeling overwhelmed with life decisions consult a family member, speak to a therapist or a counsellor if you feel you need an unbiased opinion. 

Talking about your anxiety can help you to feel better and develop a plan for managing your symptoms.

Practice relaxation techniques

There are a number of relaxation techniques that can be helpful for managing anxiety. From downloading apps that help you regulate your breathing to signing up for hour long massages that help you relax, there are a lot of ways in which you can manage your anxiety levels. On a daily basis, downloading mindfulness apps is quite helpful. Not only do they help with breathing exercises, but also give you the option to listen to calming music and stories in the day, or even sign in to a meditation session over a weekend. Incorporating yoga or a form of movement in your daily routine can also help balance your emotions. 

Find a technique that works for you and practise it regularly.

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Get enough sleep

Prioritise sleep! It can get easy to miss out sleep because there’s always so much to be done, and FOMO isn’t helping either! When you are sleep-deprived, your body is more likely to experience stress and anxiety. You’ll also end up having mood swings due to lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is also the reason your body craves sweets, and it may lead to unnecessary weight gain and poor health because of unhealthy eating habits. Here’s a challenge- try getting 7-8 hours of sleep for a week, and see the difference. You will feel better, and will understand the need to clock in at least 7 hours of sleep. 

Eat well

It goes without saying that a healthy diet is the key to good gut health, energy levels and general mood. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive caffeine because they usually cause a crash and make you feel lethargic. 

Limit consumption of alcohol and drugs 

If you feel that the work pressure is leading to you being in a constant state of anxiety, it is advisable to stay off any vices that may lead to addiction. Finding comfort in sweets, alcohol or drugs becomes a habit before you realise it, and it is important to take charge of your health especially during these times. 

This is why it is also advisable to seek professional help. If your anxiety is severe or is interfering with your ability to function at work, a therapist or a counsellor can help you develop a treatment plan that is right for you.


Anxiety is a common emotion that can be experienced at work. By following the tips above, you can manage your anxiety and improve your overall well being. In addition to the tips, here are some more things that you can do to manage anxiety at work:

Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself.

Delegate tasks to others when possible.

Take advantage of employee assistance programs (EAPs) if your company offers them.

Learn about the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Seek professional help if your anxiety is severe or is interfering with your ability to function at work.

Managing anxiety at work can be challenging, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many things you can do to manage your symptoms and improve your overall well being.

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